Gegitsidis Bros OE - Imports Woodworking Veroia - Roofing & Floor Timber

Gegitsidis Bros OE - Imports Woodworking Veroia - Roofing & Floor Timber

23305 Visitors:
Address: 7th klm Veroia Naousa
Area: Veria
Telephone: 2331073750
Mobile: 6942583852
P.C.: 59100
Fax: -
Responsible: Gegitsidis Spiros
Responsible phone: 6942583852
Website: -
The company "GEGITSIDI TIMBER" was founded in 1968 as a family business. Today it continues its tradition as a company "GEGITSIDIS BROS" consisting of Spyros & Alexander GEITSIDIS & operates in the privately owned area of ​​5000sqm. It deals with the import of timber from CENTRAL & NORTHERN EUROPE (SWEDEN - CZECH REPUBLIC - SLOVAKIA - ROMANIA). The main object of the company is the ROOF - BUILDING - FLOOR WOOD, which is available for wholesale WHOLESALE & ...
23305 Visitors:

7th klm Veroia Naousa, Veria

23305 Visitors:

The company "GEGITSIDI TIMBER" was founded in 1968 as a family business. Today it continues its tradition as a company "GEGITSIDIS BROS" consisting of Spyros & Alexander GEITSIDIS & operates in the privately owned area of ​​5000sqm.

It deals with the import of timber from CENTRAL & NORTHERN EUROPE (SWEDEN - CZECH REPUBLIC - SLOVAKIA - ROMANIA).
The main object of the company is the ROOF - BUILDING - FLOOR WOOD, which is available for wholesale WHOLESALE & RETAIL throughout Greece with privately owned crane trucks at very low prices.


timber trading Veroia Naousa Imathia Floor Timber
timber trading Veroia Naousa Imathia Building Timber
timber trading Veroia Naousa Imathia Roof timber
23305 Visitors:

7th klm Veroia Naousa

Telephone: 2331073750
Mobile: 6942583852

Working Hours
